Common Mistakes To Avoid When Sealcoating Your Asphalt Driveway

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Common Mistakes To Avoid When Sealcoating Your Asphalt Driveway

Maintaining an asphalt driveway requires regular sealcoating to protect it from the elements and extend its lifespan. However, many homeowners make avoidable mistakes during the sealcoating process that can compromise the effectiveness and longevity of their driveways. 

Mistake: Neglecting Proper Cleaning

Preparing your driveway for sealcoating is essential for ensuring the surface is clean and free from contaminants. This step is necessary to ensure good sealant adhesion, leading to premature wearing and cracking. Properly cleaning the surface ensures optimal bonding between the existing pavement and the new sealcoat.

Before applying any sealant, removing all dirt, debris, oil stains, and vegetation from your driveway's surface is essential. Failure in this step can cause uneven sealcoat application or even permanent blemishes on your asphalt. Using a broom or pressure washer can effectively remove these unwanted materials.

To achieve a pristine surface for sealcoating, consider using detergent or specialized cleaners designed specifically for asphalt surfaces. These products help break down stubborn oil spots while preserving the integrity of your driveway.

Mistake: Applying Sealcoat In Extreme Weather

Weather conditions help with determining when it is appropriate to apply a fresh sealcoat on your asphalt driveway. Extreme temperatures can hinder proper curing and adhesion of the sealer. It is crucial to choose a day with moderate temperatures and low humidity for the best results.

Applying a sealcoat during sweltering weather can cause the product to dry too quickly, leading to an uneven finish or premature cracking. On the other hand, cold temperatures can prolong the curing process, delaying the complete protection of your driveway.

The ideal time to apply a sealcoat is when temperatures are mild and consistent. This allows for proper curing and ensures optimal adhesion of the sealer. Additionally, check the weather forecast before starting your project to avoid any sudden changes that may affect the quality of your sealcoating job.

Mistake: Using Low-Quality Sealant Products

High-quality sealant products are essential for achieving long-lasting protection for your asphalt driveway. Quality sealants provide better resistance against UV rays, water penetration, and general wear and tear. Investing in a reputable brand will ultimately save you money by reducing the frequency of resealing.

Low-quality sealants often need more durability, resulting in quicker degradation over time. They may not adequately protect against environmental factors like sunlight and moisture, leading to premature cracking and deterioration of your driveway's surface. Inferior products can also cause unsightly streaks or discoloration on your asphalt.

When choosing a sealant product, consider factors such as its composition, longevity claims, customer reviews, and recommendations from professionals in the industry. Look for products specifically formulated for asphalt driveways, as they offer superior performance compared to generic options.

Contact a local sealcoating service to learn more. 

450 Words

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Improving Your Home Have you recently purchased a new home? Perhaps, you’re living in a house you bought 20 years ago. Regardless of how long you’ve resided in your current place, you might want to make some improvements to your property. If you can relate to this scenario, consider hiring a paving contractor to pave your driveway. After paving your driveway, you won’t have to worry about ever hitting jarring potholes or puddles of water when leaving or arriving at your home again. Paving your driveway will also instantly improve your home’s curb appeal. On this blog, I hope you will discover different options for paving a driveway. Enjoy!

